Hike with a Geek Day was created to bring awareness to the need for STEAM workers, along with other geeks to step away from their computers and labs for a break, and soak up some nature.
Here’s how to participate (from the National Day Calendar)
Organize a hike in your area on the official Geek Adventures Discord server!
“Geeks beware! You’ll be cajoled, coaxed and perhaps prodded by friends and loved ones. But, this is your day. Go, take the lead. When asked, surprise them by whipping out your hiking boots, map and compass. Friends and family, don’t be surprised if your geeks have been waiting for just this moment all along. Use #HikeWithAGeekDay to share your adventure on social media.”

Why National Hike with a Geek Day?
Doesn’t everyone love a geek? We expect them to make our rocket ships and find cures for diseases, but we don’t often give them what they possibly need most… an excuse to get out from behind the computer or the lab, and into mother nature. A chance to connect with something other than bits or bites. June 20th is the summer solstice, and the perfect date to think of how miserably little oxygen there is indoors fueling the creativity of geeks around the world. Today, June 20th, we take our geeky friends outdoors for national Hike with a Geek Day, and give them some fresh air to fuel their rocket-ship-building curiosity and creativity.