Inauguration of HWG Seattle + Little Si!

I flew to Seattle last weekend to welcome 800+ members to the family who’ve joined Hiking with Geeks in Seattle. They’re a friendly, geeky, and super energetic bunch, and it made me happy to see so many people excited to get together with fellow geeks to get out from behind their computers, and get outdoors.

Saturday was a travel day for me, and luckily all the flights were on time. I got to Optimism Brewery just in time for the first Seattle Hiker Social to hang with 25+ people from the group. We talked, laughed, and had a few pints of legit beer from Optimism. The venue was awesome, and it’s funny what a couple beers, street food, and a good environment can do to set the perfect mood. It also helped that there was a wacky private costume party happening right near our meeting point.

The next morning, I set out with some friends, their dog, and their just-old-enough-to-walk-but-still-young-enough-to-be-carried-the-entire-way kid to meet up with another group of 22+ people (+2 backpack children and +2 fearless dogs) to hike Little Si about 35 minutes away from Seattle. All-in-all it took about 2.5 hours to fully traverse the 5 mile, 1,200 ft elevation route, but the views were rewarding, and everyone made it to the summit! It was a good moderate hike, and the weather was perfect by Seattle standards.

On the way down the Little Si path, I heard some of my fellow hikers talking about the next hikes they want to organize. I for one can’t wait to hear / see what awesome hikes the group comes up with.

By the way, if you’re visiting Seattle, hit up our friends in the #events-seattle channel, or join the HWG Seattle group! Who knows, maybe you can squeeze a hike in while you’re there!


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